Our Research Goals
The Pathways to Care Project aims to remove barriers and improve access to mental health and addiction services for Black children, youth and their families in Ontario by making changes at the policy, community, and individual levels.
The goal of the project is to give us an opportunity to speak about the diversity of the Black community, and the different needs that exist with regard to mental health and addictions. Beyond that, the project aims to improve how mental healthcare is delivered to Black youth, children and their families.

Emphasize the diverse needs within the Black community
Centre the needs of newcomer young people, young people in the justice system, queer and gender-diverse young people, young people who have witnessed violent acts, and homeless or street involved youth
Improve how mental healthcare is delivered to Black youth, children and their families
The Problem
Black Ontarians face significantly poorer mental health and addictions outcomes
Black youth in Canada are four times more likely to first enter the mental healthcare system through the emergency department, which suggests worse symptoms, than white youth.
16 months
The amount of time, on average, that Black youth wait for mental health treatment, double the amount of time than white youth, who wait eight.
The percentage of Black youth that have encounters with the police on their way into the mental healthcare system.
Despite these barriers to access, very little is known about the best ways to implement mental healthcare for Black children and youth in Ontario. Pathways to Care will increase understanding about the unique barriers to care for Black Canadians by engaging Black children, youth, and their families who face significant barriers to mental health and addictions services in the creation of a better mental healthcare system.
The Solution
Transforming the mental healthcare system for Black children and youth: What Can We Do?
Young people aged 15-24 experience mental illness and difficulty with substance use more than any other age group. Developing interventions for children and youth is key because this a crucial time in their development. Children, teens, and young adults experiencing challenges with their mental health need specific, easy to access programs that keep their development and unique social experiences in mind.
At Pathways to Care, we are aim to create a society where Black children and youth can access the care they need. Join us in creating this change and partner with us.
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